Saturday 10 March 2007

The Weekend!

The two days of the week I think all SAHMs look forward to.

MY DH is home, so I have company all day, I have access to the car, and we can go anywhere we like. But as with many SAHMs, we are really short of cash (it is a monetary sacrifice you have to make to be at home with your LO) so where do we go? Nowhere!

We had plans to go swimming today, but as DS slept until 8am, it's a bit too late. He has his milk when he wakes, then his breakfast an hour later, then cannot go swimming until an hour after he ate, which takes you to 10am. By then, the pools overrun, and it's impossible to get a baby changing cubicle. It really annoys me that parents with toddlers use them. Why? They don't need them! We mums/parents with babies that are otherwise lying on the floor because they can't walk independently need them. I swear, as soon as DS is walking, I will no longer use them. It's a shame people are so selfish.

That may well be a thread that runs through my blog, niggles about the general selfishness of my fellow humans, especially against mums/families. I won;t go into them all now, or I'll be here all year!

Well, better go and look after my DS and DH!


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