Sunday 25 March 2007

My Gorgeous Boy's First Holiday

We've just come home from our first holiday as a family. We went to Centerparcs in Nottinghamshire. We had a lovely time! We went swimming, played pool, tenpin bowling, DH did Laser Clay Shooting, and we had lots of lovely walks. I was really pleased, as when I came home, I actually weighed 1 pound less than when I left!

Dreading our upcoming move. We just don't have enough money to afford boxes, moving van etc etc, so it's going to be tight. We have to get a van because of big things like the fridge freezer, washing machine and desk. There's no way they'd fit in the car. I'm hoping that we can manage to get most of it done in one day, even though we've actually got the weekend.

With any luck, it should go quite smoothly, and then we can get settled in our new home. Fingers crossed!

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